Rotorua Black Powder Club Inc

Post: C/- 116 Otonga Road, Rotorua 3015.                                                    Email:  Please use the 'Contact' box in the menu at the top of the Home page.         

Range: Mead Road, off Tarawera Road, Rotorua.

The Rotorua Black Powder Club is an incorporated society with the aims of  fostering the use of antique and replica firearms designed to shoot black powder, lead bullets and shot.

Our members (of all ages and gender) generally have an interest in things historical and the desire to share their knowledge 'on the range'.

Members get to use our range on Club days under the supervision of the Club Range Safety Officers and participate in a variety of shooting activities and information sharing. For safety purposes, the range is not available for use by the general public unless accompanied by an authorised club member.

Range facilities include: club house and kitchen, BBQ area, covered firing points, 25, 50, 100 and 200 metre ranges, a voice controlled shotgun range and bush walk range (see Gallery).

We shoot muzzle and breech loading smoothbores, rifles, pistols, shotguns and sometimes cannons.

We enjoy helping others achieve their best and get the most out of their equipment and, where the interest and ability is shown, encourage participation in local, national and international competitions.

Some of our members have gained medal placings in international competitions and such dedication and experience has a positive spin off for the rest of the members.

Our club also hosts interested groups such as the Air Cadets for weekend camping and shooting activities.

All of our activities are conducted on a safety first basis and we support the NZ Police and all organisations in their efforts to promote safe firearm usage.                                            

A copy of our Range Standing Orders is posted opposite.

We are proud to be affiliated to The NZ Black Powder Shooters Federation Inc and supporters of the NZ Council Of Licensed Firearm Owners Inc (COLFO).

If you think you would like to join us... please print and fill out the Membership Application form (on right hand side) and send it to:   . We would love to hear from you but be warned, this fun sport can become a life long addiction!

*Following elections held during our December 2023 AGM, we are pleased to advise and congratulate the following office bearers and general committee members for 2024.                                 

President: Stephen J        

Secretary/Treasurer: Robert B

Webmaster/Editor: David B 

Website Trading Post: Tim D

Scoring Records: Steve G

General Committee: All of above plus: Ray A, Adam C, Steve H, Gavin I, Mark J, Laurie K, Alan R, Grant S, John S, Mark W. 

Subs for 2024 have remained the same as the previous few years except for the 'roading levy' ($20 per member which was instituted to cover the annual cost of maintaining Mead Road) which has been suspended for this year.

Therefore Individual member subs total $100 and Family members $60. These subs cover the basic monthly club day for rifle & pistol shooting, COLFO donation ($3)  and gate key (changed in January). Shotgun fees are an additional $8 per round.

Annual membership renewals are to be done via our "Online Membership Forms" where payment may be made by credit card or direct debit.

The Shooting Programme for 2024 is posted under 'Annual Prog, Reports and Results'. Please check this posting regularly as it will be subject to alterations and additions as they become known.