The Rotorua Black Powder Club is for those interested in shooting firearms, both originals and replicas, from the black powder era (1400-1900).

The Club's monthly shoot is on the second Sunday of each month on it's Mead Road (off Tarawera Road) range.
Other shoots, theme or championship competitions, are also held on the range during the year (see Annual Shooting Programme).

The Club supports and encourages all ages and gender to handle and use firearms in a safe and responsible way.

Interested persons are welcome to contact the Club (see Contact box in the menu at the top left of the page) and arrangements will be made to introduce them to this most interesting and diverse sport of black powder shooting.

Welcome to , the  website of the Rotorua Black Powder Club Inc. 

New postings are marked *, amended postings are marked** and older postings >.

Last updated: ​​​​​2 Sept 2024

​​​​​​​To subscribe to receive email advice when updates are made to this website click on the below "Email me notices" and enter your email address. Remember to do this again whenever you change your email address. ​​​​​​​

Monthly Committee meetings will, as a rule, be held at the range during the monthly club shoot - ALL members welcome. Please advise the Secretary of any matters you wish to have discussed before the Wednesday prior to the monthly club shoot day.


​​​​​​​>Mead Road - it is up to ALL users to help keep it in a good state. Please make the effort and keep your speed down to 25 kph. The time to the range at this speed is only 3 1/2 minutes!

>A general reminder to everyone going to the range to fill in the range attendance book... it is kept on the bench beside the club house door. 'Signing in' is a requirement of our Range Standing Orders and signing out helps with our security All persons attending the range must sign the book every visit and pistol shooters must include their PNZ number. 

Interested in shooting rifle, shotgun or pistol with an historical slant? Interested in target shooting, hunting, history, collecting, reenactment? Interested in learning to shoot muzzle loaders and traditional black powder cartridge firearms? Then for more enjoyment and bangs for your buck... contact the Rotorua Black Powder Club, a family supportive club of responsible historic firearm users.

** This note replaces (now including all the wording) that which was posted earlier today ...If anyone has a Beretta O/U percussion shotgun, and would like the correct nipple/breech plug wrench, could they pls contact David B (click here).

>RBPC's new Range Standing Orders (16 May 2024) have now been posted. This Police Clubs and Ranges approved document sets the rules and guidelines for the operation of our ranges. ALL members are required to read, become familiar with and to adhere to these RSOs. 

>Have you visited the TRADING POST recently? Always changing items in the For Sale and Wanted sections.